Can You Become One of "MY PEOPLE"?

Revelation 18:4

Come out of her, MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins,

and that ye receive not of her plagues.


Romans 9:25

as he saith also in O’sea,[Hosea],  I will call them MY PEOPLE,  which were not my people;  and her beloved, which was not beloved.


Hosea 2:23

and I will sowher unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy;  and I will say to them which were not

MY PEOPLE, thou art MY PEOPLE; and they shall say, Thou art my Elohim.


Leviticus 26:12

And I will walk among you, and will be your Elohim, and ye shall be MY PEOPLE.


Second Corinthians 6:16-17

And what agreement hath the Temple of Elohim with idols?  For ye are the temple of the living Elohim; as Yahweh hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; I will be their Elohim, and they shall be MY PEOPLE.


The above verses share one concept in common and that is, MY PEOPLE.  In fact this phrase relates to two different groups. One is the Old Covenant Israel who Yahweh married at Mount Sinai. This was physical Israel.


Now remember that the Yahweh of the Old Covenant was in fact, Messiah. (1 Cor. 10: 4)  Israel’s husband became incarnate and walked the earth as Messiah Yahshua.  That marriage ended with the death of Messiah on the tree. Death is termination of the covenant between man and wife. (Romans 7: 2)


Yahweh called physical Israel of the Old Covenant, “MY PEOPLE”. However, after Messiah’s death, they were no longer in a marriage covenant as “MY PEOPLE.”  However, even though physical Israel failed in that marriage covenant by committing adultery, Yahweh is still loving toward his ex-wife. In the millennium, he will return and bring a remnant of physical Israel out of the world. This remnant will enjoy the promised land for 1000 years. He keeps his promise even though Israel did not.


The New Covenant is a marriage covenant as well. But this is a covenant between Yahweh and spiritual Israel. Spiritual Israel began at Pentecost. (Acts 2)  Since Pentecost, those who are baptized in YahwehShua have been called and chosen to be a Saint or member of the body of Messiah and are in fact being espoused to Messiah. (2 Cor. 11: 2)


Many are called but few are chosen for this opportunity. (Matt. 20: 16)  How many are able to overcome to the end and be firstfruits in the better resurrection? According to Revelation 14:1, only 144,000. The parable of the 10 virgins that we find in Matthew 25 indicates that the failure rate is 50%. The parable of the sower indicates it could be as much as 75%. Revelation 3:12 is clear; you must overcome to be qualified.


The foregoing discussion is based on the concept of “PATTERN”, which is first revealed in the book of Exodus. Moses was given a pattern for the construction of the Tabernacle which was based on a spiritual reality. David was given a pattern for the temple which he relayed to his son Solomon. There is a spiritual reality and a physical manifestation of that reality.


You are aware that there is a physical Jerusalem, but in Revelation it is revealed that there is also a heavenly Jerusalem, New Jerusalem, which will eventually descend to a new earth. (Revelation 3:12; 21:2) 


New Jerusalem has 12 gates. Each gate is named for a tribe of Israel. These names are not of physical Israel but spiritual Israel. We are told in 1 Corinthians 15:50 that flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of Elohim. Therefore these gates can only be for spiritual Israel.


Since Pentecost, when the comforter was sent from heaven, those called and chosen were baptized in water and Spirit. (John 3: 5)  The laying on of hands initiated the forming of the spirit of Messiah in the person being baptized.  We are grafted into spiritual Israel through His spirit being formed within us.  When we overcome and are resurrected, we are of spiritual Israel. We therefore can gain entrance into New Jerusalem through one of these gates.


In Revelation 18:4, John heard a voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, MY PEOPLE.”   This voice was referring to those of this age who were called, chosen and baptized in Spirit and water.


However, the most critical aspect of being baptized is in what name?  Peter revealed that name to us in Acts 2:38 when he said, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of YahwehShua Messiah”.  Just any name is not acceptable. It must be Messiah’s name and only that name which he had at the time Peter spoke. This would be his resurrected, inherited name (Hebrews 1: 4) and not his human name, Yahshua.  His inherited name includes the full name of his Father, Yahweh.


Is the full name of YahwehShua necessary?  The name that we are baptized in must include the Father’s name as well as the Son’s name.  This is confirmed in Revelation 14:1. Here we are told that the 144,000 have the name of the Father and the Son’s name in their foreheads.  If you desire to be in the better resurrection, this is the name you must have.


The voice from heaven told John that we must, “Come out”.  We must leave behind the lies, myths and false beliefs that Satan has used to deceive the world. What would these be?  Here is just a selection, but there are more.


1       Hell

2       The trinity

3       That the Royal Law is no longer required

4       Immortal soul

5       Messiah was impaled on a cross

6       Messiah was in the grave from Friday to Sunday

7       Messiah was born on December 25

8       The Sabbath was changed from the seventh day to the first day of the week

9       Our Creator’s name is L-D or G-d

10   The sun is the center of the universe

11   Messiah’s human name is Jesus

12   The earth revolves around the sun


These 12 deceptions are only a limited selection. To move beyond these lies you must be open to the truth. You can begin by praying to Yahweh for his truth and then continue by studying this website, studying the Scriptures and seeking guidance from the leadership of the Light of YahwehShua.


Paul tells us in Romans 8:7: “because the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim: for it is not subject to the law of Yahweh, neither indeed can be.”  Prior to baptism, we are exclusively carnal creatures unable to connect with Yahweh. Unless Yahweh calls us and opens our minds, we cannot know him. (John 6: 44)  If you desire to be one of HIS PEOPLE then you must pray to Yahweh for his truth and diligently seek him. If he leads you, you will seek baptism through the Light of YahwehShua.


The good news is that if you are not being called now, you will have a chance to be called in the general resurrection that occurs after the thousand years. This will be the resurrection when all mankind who has ever lived will be resurrected and given the spirit.


What a loving Creator!  Not one human being will remain dead. All will live again.  Many of those in the general resurrection will enter the kingdom. There is no hell or eternal torture.  Yahweh cannot fail. Yahweh is love!


There is so much more to learn. Pray to Yahweh. Have your mind opened to the truth. Be baptized in the name of YahwehShua and begin the greatest journey in this age.

 If you wish to submit a question or comment, please email our Elder at

The reveals the importance of a name to both Yahweh and to Muhammed Ali

This month (June 2016) a world-famous boxer, Muhammad Ali, died.

He was born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. and was named after his father. Later, after his conversion to Islam, he officially changed his name.

Muhammad Ali considered his birth name, a slave name. He is reported to have said, “I didn’t choose it and I don’t want it. I am Muhammad Ali, a free name, it means beloved of God, and I insist people use it when people speak to me.”

That is a very strong statement from a very physically strong man. Would you have challenged his wish to be called, Muhammad Ali? Probably not! His worldwide fame and strong physical presence would have been very intimidating. Most people would have submitted to his demand or avoid speaking to him.

Let us look at another very strong being: the creator of the earth and heavens. The King James version of the Bible, in Genesis 2:4, identifies this being as the LORD. However, when you look at the Hebrew, from which this is translated, it is not a title but a name: YAHWEH! This Hebrew name consists of four letters. This is why the name of Yahweh is referred to as the tetragrammaton.

In Isaiah 42:8, the Creator of all creation says this: “ I am Yahweh: that is my name.” Now that too is a very strong statement given by the strongest being that  exists. Would you challenge his command to call him by his chosen name, Yahweh? His power too, is very intimidating.

If we were wise, we would submit and address him by his chosen name.

It is a very worthwhile study to take a Strong’s Concordance and look at all the verses in the Old Testament that use LORD. This word can be found in the dictionary- lexicon section of this concordance, under the number 3068. This number identifies the Hebrew name for Yahweh. It is used nearly 7000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Yet, the translators of the Hebrew into English ignored the true name of the most powerful being. He is in fact, their Creator as well! They substituted a title for his name-- how bold and deceptive. In fact, it is a lie! The apostle John tells us in his book, 1 John 2:21: “no lie is of the truth.” The truth is, the Creator’s name is YAHWEH and not the title LORD.

What is the origin of this lie?  The apostle John answers this question as well in John 8:44: “he (the devil) is a liar, and the father of it.”  Satan, the devil, lied to Eve in the Garden of Eden and has continued to lie to mankind ever since.

We can get angry at the translators and blame them. However, they are pawns, or dupes, who are being manipulated by very powerful forces. Listen to what the apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12: “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

There you have it! Satan is the origin of all lies. He broadcasts his lies to unsuspecting humans who easily fall prey to his deception.

You would not want to challenge the boxer, Muhammad Ali!  He would not want to speak with you unless you called him by his chosen name. And yet he was simply flesh and blood!

Do you really want to challenge the MOST powerful being, your Creator?  I think NOT!  However, that is what we are doing when we call him by the title, LORD, and not his chosen name of YAHWEH! If you choose to use a title or a wrong name for your Creator there are consequences.

The book of Joel 2:32 says this: “whosoever shall call on the name of Yahweh shall be delivered.” The apostle Paul confirms the importance of this Scripture by quoting it in Romans 10:13: “for whosoever shall call upon the name of Yahweh shall be saved.” These scriptures very clearly tell us what the way of deliverance or salvation is. Which do you choose? To make the correct choice, you need to study what the Scriptures REALLY say and not what others tell you!

If you wanted to have a relationship with the boxer, Muhammad Ali, how would you address him? You would call him by his chosen name, not his birth name. Should you become rude, insistent or demanding to you use his birth name, Cassius Clay, you might find yourself in very deep trouble.

Well, it might be wise to approach the Creator, Yahweh, just as cautiously. If you desire a relationship with your Creator, then you must learn and use HIS true name and not a lie.

Have you been deceived?  Have you bought into the lie that your Creator is named LORD?  Now is the time to learn the truth! But where?

First, pray to YAHWEH for truth. Then, study our website very carefully.

Open your Bible and learn what it says about the importance of the name of Yahweh. Ask Yahweh to lead you to HIS truth and not Satan’s lies.

We are here to assist you in your awakening to YAHWEH’S truth. Please contact us and allow us to assist you in your journey,  If you wish to submit a question or comment, please email our Elder at May Yahweh guide you!


Is It Important to Observe Passover Biblically?

Today there are many groups, sects, and denominations that claim to observe the Passover.  However, it must be asked how do they choose to observe Passover?  Their methods of observance must be weighed in the light of Biblical teaching.   We cannot be led by feelings or traditions, but by Biblical truth.  To do otherwise is to find ourselves with the same problem that the Israelites had during the era of the judges:  “in those days there was no king In Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”   Judges 17:6; 21:25.


The first important question that we must ask is how to determine the proper date of the Passover?  Exodus 12:2 informs us that Passover occurs during the first month of the year, Abib. This is according to Yahweh’s calendar and not man’s. Man’s calendar has January 1 as the new year. But what is Yahweh’s beginning of the year?


We are looking for an astronomical event that will identify the first day of the new year. Notice that Exodus 12:2 says that the first month is the beginning of the months. Before we can determine the month, we must determine the start of the new year.


How can we determine what that astronomical event will be?  Genesis 1:14 can help us: “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”


Scripture tells us that the sun has a circuit (Psalm 19:6, Deuteronomy 11:12, and Eccle. 1-5).  That means that the sun travels in a circle which would always have a beginning and ending.  Where would this be?  In the northern hemisphere we call this the vernal equinox. This occurs around March 20. This is the time when the sun is over the equator providing equal days and equal nights.


This is the annual beginning of the Sun’s circuit.  The sun will then continue on its circuit to the next vernal equinox when the next new year begins. Please note that Yahweh’s year begins in the spring in the northern hemisphere when plants come alive and not in the winter when plants are dormant.


Now we know the start of Yahweh’s new year. But when does the first month begin? Exodus 12:2 indicates that the beginning of the first month and the new year are not the same day. The sun determines the year, the seasons and days. The lesser light, the moon, determines the month.


What astronomical event involving the moon occurs which could indicate a new beginning? This would be the new moon or crescent moon. The importance of the appearance of the new moon is referenced many times in the Bible (1 Chronicles 23:31; 2 Chronicles 2:4, 8:13; Ezra 3:5; Nehemiah 10: 33; Isaiah 1:13, 14; Ezekiel45:17, 46:3; and Hosea 2:11).


The vernal equinox indicates the beginning and end of Yahweh’s year.  The next event after the vernal equinox that indicates a new beginning is the new moon. The new moon is the first day of the first month. Once this is established, we can then begin to identify when Passover occurs. Again, Exodus 12:2 and the verses that follow will help us with that. On the 10th day of Abib, a lamb is selected (verse 3) and on the 14th day, that lamb is killed (verse 6). For further confirmation of the date of Passover or the killing of the lamb, let’s review Leviticus 23: 5: “in the 14th day of the FIRST MONTH at evening is Yahweh’s Passover.”


The next important point to understand is from what geographical location does the new moon need to be observed? Many of those who claim to keep Passover do so according to the sighting of the new moon in their own geographical area. This approach allows many timing variations, as there are geographical areas. If each person or group bases their determination of the new moon on their own observation, this does not allow for consistency and therefore confusion. Yahweh is not the author of confusion (1Corinthians 14:33).  The orderly way would be to have one reference point that all could use. That we do have!  Isaiah 2:3 and Micah 4:2 confirm that: “for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the Word of Yahweh from Jerusalem.“


When Messiah returns to begin His 1000-year reign, he will establish his government in Jerusalem. Zechariah 14:16 tells us this:  “and it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year-to-year to worship the King, Yahweh of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.”  They will come to Jerusalem because that is where the seat of government is. All things will be decided from there, even the sighting of the first new moon of the new year!


Now we know how to identify the correct day for the observance of Passover. However, now we must ask who is able to utilize this knowledge properly? Under the Old Covenant, all males had to be physically circumcised before participating in Passover. We find this in Exodus 12:48: “let all males be circumcised.”  However, under the New Covenant, physical circumcision was replaced with circumcision of the heart, that is, without hands. (Colossians 2:11)


Circumcision without hands refers to the act of being baptized. (Colossians 2: 11-12)  When the apostles and elders met at Jerusalem (Acts 15), they declared that physical circumcision was no longer required. Peter confirms the necessity of baptism in Acts 2:38: “Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name…”


What name?  Your King James Bible uses the name Jesus Christ. However, the name Jesus was never used when Messiah walked the earth. The “J” did not and still does not exist in the Hebrew or Greek alphabets. As established in other articles, his human name was Yahshua. Many misinformed people will believe that Christ is his last name. This is also not true. That is his title. Christ is the English translation that means, “the anointed”.  After the death of Messiah, he was resurrected and appeared before His Father.  At that time he was given a new more excellent name. (Hebrews 1: 4) His human name was attached to the sin that he took upon himself from all men and angels.


Let’s look at Deuteronomy 29:20. This verse was written under the Old Covenant. Messiah was born and died under this covenant, so this verse applied to him as well. Since he is the only human to die in sin, only his name has been blotted out. That is the curse of the law that we learn about in Deuteronomy 29 20. Most just read over this verse and don’t pause to understand. When Messiah died in sin, his human name was blotted out according to the law. Messiah was without sin himself; therefore he perfectly kept the Law. His name, Yahshua, was blotted out and remains attached to his blood, as the sin offering.


After his resurrection, he received a new name, the name of His Father, Yahweh. From ancient times it was known that Yahweh was the name of salvation. (Joel 2:32) The Son was resurrected after shedding his blood for ALL.  All mankind and the angels are reconciled by his death. (Romans 5:10) His new name reflects His status as the savior of all mankind: YAHWEHSHUA, Yahweh saves!


Peter spoke to us about repenting and being baptized in what name? That name is YAHWEHSHUA!  He proclaimed this after the resurrection, not before. This requires that his new name be used for baptism, and not the defiled name.  His new name is the more excellent name. (Hebrews 1: 4)


Matthew 28:19 tells us this: “ Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing in the NAME (singular) of the Father and Son.”  The Father and Son have one name. The addition of the “holy spirit” is recognized by most students of the Bible as a later addition and is not supported by other scriptures.


When you read Revelation 14:1, you learn that the 144,000 have the name of the Father and Son on their foreheads.  So what is this single name that is shared by both the Father and Son? This is the name of YahwehShua, Yahweh Savior.


The name of YahwehShua was blotted out from the temple scrolls by the Jewish high priest. That is why you will never see this most excellent name in the Greek Scriptures.  The Father blotted the human name of Yahshua out of the Book of Life.  The prophet Jeremiah gives us more insight into the absence of Messiah’s inherited name. Notice what he says in Jeremiah 11:19: “But I was like a lamb or an ox that is brought to the slaughter; [Messiah speaking through Jeremiah]  And I knew not that they had devised devices against me, saying let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof, and let us cut him off from the land of living, that his name may be no more remembered.”  This verse along with Deuteronomy 29: 20 is part of the Scriptures and must be acknowledged.


Yes, but… the name Yahshua is still seen in the Bible. This is true. His human name is still seen because it was only blotted of the Book of Life, which we do not see. His inherited name was blotted out of the Hebrew Scriptures by the high priest. It is now the name of faith. We of the new covenant must walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)


YahwehShua, the name of faith, the inherited name, is the name by which we must be baptized. There is no substitute.  We are buried into his death by water, but we are resurrected according to his more excellent name, YahwehShua.


Without baptism in YahwehShua,  your heart is not circumcised. Therefore, your baptism by any other name is NOT valid. You must be lawfully baptized to participate in the observance of Passover. This lawful Passover observance is the one Messiah referred to when he said: “this, do in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22: 19)  Messiah was without sin, and he never broke Yahweh’s law. He would not instruct us to do anything that would transgress the law.


You may know how to determine the correct date for Passover and even follow the proper order of service. However, if you are not lawfully baptized, you’re not approved for participation in Passover under the New Covenant. Under the Old Covenant, had you not been physically circumcised, you would not be approved to participate in that Passover observance.  Paul addressed the proper and lawful keeping of the Passover in 1Corinthians 11: 27-29:  “27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Sovereign, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the sovereign. 28 but let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. 29  For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Sovereign’s body.”   Yes, there are consequences if you do not observe Yahweh’s Passover in a lawful manner!


We of the New Covenant are being trained as priests and royalty. (1Peter 2: 5; Revelation 1:6, 5: 10, 20: 6)  We are taught and must teach the lawful observance of Passover and the days of unleavened bread. We are required to follow these days according to Yahweh’s instructions. We must look to Biblical instruction and not tradition or guess work. (Ezekiel 44: 23-24)


It is interesting to note that Aaron and his sons were consecrated as priests before they could begin their priestly duties. (Exodus 29; Leviticus 8)  This required consecration, among other requirements, involved being confined in the Tabernacle for seven days and eating bread that is unleavened. Is this an earthly pattern proclaimed under the Old Covenant while we of the New Covenant are being consecrated under a heavenly pattern?  The similarity of seven days and unleavened bread needs more understanding.


We of the New Covenant have the key to the proper baptism, which opens the door to keeping Passover and unleavened bread. That key is the name, YahwehShua.  Without being baptized in YahwehShua, the Sabbath, High days, Passover, and prayers have no significance for our salvation. These actions must be done lawfully as “no lie is of the truth.”  (1 John 2: 21)


Do you believe that all you have to do is recite John 13? Wash feet?  Eat leavened bread?  Drink fruit of the vine?  Without observing the correct month and day, the above is of no value. Without being baptized in YahwehShua, this too is of no value. If you are not IN YAHWEHSHUA, you are not lawfully keeping Passover. Be careful!


Please review what is written here. Pray for truth in the name of Yahweh. According to John 6:44 you must be drawn by the Father. If you’re being called, this information may move you to take action or at least begin looking more closely. The Light of YahwehShua is here to assist you in your quest. There is no obligation, only an opportunity. May Yahweh guide you to the light.

 If you wish to submit a question or comment, please email our Elder at

YahwehShua Comes to Kenya

This exciting adventure began with emails sent to The Light of YahwehShua in August 2015.  In part, one email said:


I desire most to be immersed with my family and the congregation.  Please inform me if there is a possibility for you to visit us and immerse us according to the Torah, Acts 8:26-40, [where] Philip immersed the Ethiopian eunuch, led by Yahweh.  That is why I believe the immersion is very important in the Kingdom of Yahweh because we must fulfill all righteousness as YahwehShua Deeds according to the Scripture., Matthew 3:15. Please come and teach us more about the kingdom of Yahweh and the set apart name of Yahweh and I can prepare for you a meeting for three days.  The congregation and I desire to affiliate with The Light of YahwehShua Congregation.


Shalom shalom,

Elder John


This email sent in August of 2015 resulted in a visit to Embu, Kenya in March of 2016.  This round trip of more than 17,000 miles produced the fruit of four baptisms in YahwehShua and teaching of many more.


The members of the congregation of YahwehShua in St. Louis supported and encouraged their elder to fulfill this request from Elder John of Embu, Kenya.


Initially the plan was for the elder and a sister in the faith who has extensive travel experience (and youth) to accompany him.  As the financial cost of the trip and the health of the elder became a concern, Elder John was invited to come to the USA.  We would financially support his trip, teach him, baptize him and return him to Kenya as an ordained elder.


Elder John applied to the US embassy twice for a visa to visit the USA.  Each time he was rejected.  This happened despite documentation and assurances from the members of the Light of YahwehShua.


After the second rejection and a review of finances, it was decided that our elder should travel alone to Kenya.  After much prayer about his health, the plans were made.


Our elder departed St. Louis on March 15 and returned on March 22.  While the journey was long, Yahweh delivered him and returned him on “the wings of an eagle.”


On his first day in Embu, our elder was told an amazing narrative by Elder John that brought clarity to his trip.  Please read the email below from Elder John that our elder requested he provide after our elder’s return to the USA.  Our elder was told this verbally while there with confirmation by Elder John’s wife, Lucy.


Shalom, Elder Bob,

I am very happy to hear that you arrived safely.  We were glad to be with you and really appreciated your generosity and your teachings. 


My dream from Yahweh:

In 1989, I became very sick and my father took me to three different hospitals but after various medical tests, no disease was found.  The doctor asked my father to take me back home, stay there, and wait for the will of God and my father took me back home and I stayed there suffering without knowing what to do.


One day, in the middle of the night while sleeping, I saw the iron sheets of my house blown out of the roof and my small bedroom was filled with light.  Then my bed was surrounded by people wearing long pure white dresses and they started feeding me with strange food that passed through my throat very fast like running wind.  This scared me a lot and while being in that state of fear, I started regaining my consciousness, and looked up and thought that there was no roof in my house.  There was much light and people in my bedroom surrounding me.  I jumped up to try to grab one of them, but unfortunately they shouted the word, HalleluYah and disappeared into the sky with the light.  I woke up, found myself in my bed and it was dark.  I lit my lamp and prayed.  When I woke up in the morning, I was completely healed.


And the following night, YahwehShua revealed himself to me again.  I saw myself flying up to the sky to visit Yahweh in heaven, and when I reached to the door of heaven, I met with a man who told me his name was YahwehShua and He asked me ‘where are you going?’  I replied,’ I am going to visit Yahweh’, then he asked me again, ‘what will you tell Yahweh when you meet Him?’  And I was not able to answer that question, and I kept quiet.  Then He told me with a commanding tone ‘go back on earth, and you will meet my servant from America.’


And suddenly, I woke up.  I prayed and knew that in my two dreams, it was Yahweh and his angels who had visited me.  Right now, my dearest Elder Bob, I have now realized that your teachings come from Yahweh because you have already visited us and taught us, immersed us in the inherited name, YahwehShua, and my dreams fulfilled.  HalleluYah.  You can share these dreams to other believers and your friends, so that they can know it is Yahweh who sent you to Kenya to fulfill his work.


Agape in YahwehShua,

Elder John


Notice in the dream or vision that Elder John experienced, that only one American is mentioned and the American would come to him.  This explained why only our elder would eventually travel alone and why Elder John’s requests for a visa were rejected.  Yahweh had described the terms of the trip in 1989 but our elder would only learn this after arriving in Embu, Kenya.


The Light of YahwehShua congregation in St. Louis now has an affiliate congregation in Embu, Kenya.  This was the plan of Yahweh revealed as early as 1989.  Our elder did not even the know the name of Yahweh or YahwehShua at that time.  But Yahweh knew him as he knows all those who are called and chosen.


Remember Ephesians 1:4:  “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:”


Yes, Yahweh is very much involved in His creation.  The world is so blinded and polluted that His truth is obscured, but the light is still shining.


Do you, like Elder John, wonder about truth and your role in this end time?  Why not be like Elder John and pray to Yahweh for truth; ask, seek, knock!


Contact the Light of YahwehShua and learn if you are one those called from the foundation of the world!

 If you wish to submit a question or comment, please email our Elder at

The Day of Coverings: Old Covenant versus New Covenant

Most know the seventh Hebrew month and tenth day as, “atonement”.  The first usage of the word atonement Is found in Exodus 29:33: “and they shall eat those things wherewith the atonement was made, to consecrate and to sanctify them: but a stranger shall not eat thereof, because they are holy.”  The Hebrew word used here but translated atonement is kaphar, Strong’s number 3722.  Its essential meaning is to cover. Bullinger’s Companion Bible, in a footnote to this verse, says: “the English ‘at-one-ment’ has no connection whatsoever with the Hebrew word kaphar.”


The first usage of the Hebrew word in the Scriptures is in Genesis 6:14. In this usage, the word kaphar, translated pitch, is referring to a resin or material to seal the space between the Gopher wood used to construct the ark. This seal keeps the water out and the ark afloat.


In Leviticus 23:27, we are introduced to the day of atonement. The Hebrew word used here is kippurim, Strong’s number 3725. This is a plural Hebrew word meaning coverings. Again, this word is incorrectly translated as atonement. The proper name should be the Day of Coverings.


What is being covered here? In Exodus 30:15 we are told:  “And when they give an offering unto Yahweh, to make an atonement [cover] for your souls [lives].”  Just as the ark was sealed for its protection (Gen. 6:14), the Israelites were being sealed as a protective measure.


In Numbers 8:21, the word kaphar (3722) Is used when Aaron offers the Levites to Yahweh as an offering. They were being separated from all the Israelites for special work. This verse says: ”Aaron made an atonement [cover] for them to cleanse them.”  Therefore, one day a year, Aaron offers atonement for all Israelites with the purpose of cleansing them as an offering to Yahweh. Without this cover, they would not be acceptable and therefore could suffer punishment. Like the ark, they were sealed to prevent their destruction.


In Leviticus 16:34 we are told:  ”and this shall be an everlasting [age-abiding] statute unto you, to make an atonement [a cover] for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year.”  Now we know that they were being covered or protected due to their sins. This had to be renewed each year.


The Old Covenant Day of Coverings had to be repeated every year. This is confirmed in Hebrews 9:7: ”but into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people.”  However, under the New Covenant, Messiah entered a more perfect tabernacle, “by his own blood he entered once into the holy place, having obtained eternal [age-abiding, aionian] redemption for us.” (Hebrews 9: 12)  Under the New Covenant, Messiah only had to enter the more perfect tabernacle ONCE, no repetition is required.


This is confirmed again in Hebrews 10:12: ”but this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of Yahweh.”  The Old Covenant coverings are from animal blood. Something was very different under the New Covenant. This blood came not from animals but was ”the precious blood of Messiah, as a lamb without blemish and without spot.” (1 Peter 1: 19)


Now note that the observance of the Day of Coverings is listed in Leviticus 23, which is under the Old Covenant.  However it is not listed under the Doctrine of Messiah which is under the New Covenant, (Hebrews 6: 1-3)  The only two fall (or spring in the southern hemisphere) feasts enumerated in Hebrews 6 are the Day of Shouting (trumpets) and the Last Great Day.  Coverings and Tabernacles are not included.  Why is this?


Those called under the New Covenant are sealed once by the blood of Messiah. It cannot be repeated each year.  Remember what we are told in Hebrews 10: 25: “for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins.”


Under the Old Covenant, the covering of the blood of animals had to be repeated each year. Each observance had a shelf life of only one year. The New Covenant, mediated by Messiah, required a single offering that could not be repeated. After Messiah made the offering, he sat down at the right hand of Yahweh. The High Priest under the Old Covenant must repeat each year the process of covering with animal blood. This High Priest was not able to sit down, but had to prepare for the next year.


We of the New Covenant are not held to the same requirement of the day of atonement under the Old Covenant. Under the Old Covenant, each participant must afflict themselves by fasting. But fasting cannot be required because the repetition of fasting is like the repetition of covering with animal blood. That blood and fasting was replaced by the one sacrifice of Messiah. Fasting is a work under the Old Covenant. We are told in Galatians 2:16 that: ”knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of YahwehShua Messiah, even we have believed in YahwehShua Messiah, that we might be justified by the faith of Messiah, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”


Hebrews 6 reveals the absence of the requirement to observe Yom Kippurim.  Romans 5:11 tells us why this change was necessary:  "and not only so, but we also joy in Yahweh through our Sovereign, YahwehShua Messiah, by whom we have received the atonement."  [Covering or reconciliation]  The world, including those who are to be in the better resurrection, are NOW covered by His precious blood.  We, in this age, are not required to observe Yom Kippurim.  Participation in this annual Sabbath places you under the old covenant.  We, who are of the new covenant and now are the sons of Yahweh (1 John 3:2) should no longer keep the old covenant.  We need to fully embrace the new covenant.  We need to follow Paul's revised list and not Leviticus 23.


Fasting is a work of the law, something the physical Israelites did to be protected or covered. The reality is we are covered by the faith of Messiah. It is Messiah in us, His mind, His faith, that justifies us and will result in our being in the better resurrection. Remember he is being formed in us (Gal. 4: 19) and we shall be like him. (1 John 3: 2). The Old Covenant had a weak or temporary cleansing process. We of the New Covenant, have an enduring process because our High Priest is working through us. His success is our success.


Neither fasting nor building temporary dwellings during the Feast of Tabernacles means anything under the New Covenant. Messiah means everything. This is why the Doctrine of Messiah does not include the Day of Coverings or the Feast of Tabernacles in the list of feasts to be observed. These are works that were performed under the Old Covenant but are no longer necessary. Galatians 3: 11 reminds us: “the just shall live by faith.”


When the Old Covenant High Priest entered the holy of holies on the day of atonement, he wore a gold plate on his forehead with the name of Yahweh. Not his own name, his human name, but the name of Yahweh. When Messiah entered a more perfect tabernacle, he left his human name behind because he had inherited the more excellent name of Yahweh. Therefore he entered the more perfect tabernacle with the name of Yahweh. But this more excellent name of YahwehShua was the name of the Father and the Son. Aaron could only wear the name of Yahweh.  Messiah was one with the Father through that name. This was not just a title but an expression of who he was and now is.


John tells us in 2 John 9 that: “he that abides in the Doctrine of Messiah hath both the Father and the Son.”  When we are baptized, we call on the name of the Father and the Son. (Matt. 28: 19)  When we are resurrected on the Day of Shouting, we will have the name of the Father and Son on our foreheads.  (Rev. 14: 1)


John reminds us: ”he that denieth that YahwehShua is the Messiah he is the anti-messiah, that denieth the Father and Son.” (1 John 2: 22) The name of faith is the name of the Father and the Son, YahwehShua. We are justified by His faith and we demonstrate this through our works.  (James 2: 17-18)

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